
ERC721 vs 1155

Our minting platform utilizes the ERC721 NFT contract standard across the EVMS we support. ERC1155 and newer standard can be implemented in the future if there is a market need.

We chose this standard over the newer ERC1155 standard primarily for provenance reasons. 0xYOURCONTRACT/1 has aesthetic benefits despite being less gas efficient. As our platform looks towards lower cost EVM solutions, there is less need for us to utilize the gas saving benefits of the 1155. In addition, game assets and other use cases that require frequent updates are not our initial focus.

EIP2535 Diamonds

To fully explore the possibilities of EVM blockchains, we incorporated the multi-proxy diamond standard as an optional deployment.

This allows our contracts to exceed the 24kb EVM bytecode limit by creating a limitless number of updateable facets to our contracts.

This is crucial to support efficient shared metadata across large collections

Has enormous potential to revolutionize NFT generative art as larger amount of bytecode can be incorporated into complex multi facet contracts.

Using RAIR tokens to mint contracts

Coming soon see tokenomics

Last updated